Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Many men are unaware that hormonal imbalances don’t just affect women.

In reality, men can also experience significant impacts on their health and quality of life from hormones, especially as they age.

One groundbreaking solution that’s gaining popularity is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), offered at Rejuvene Plastic Surgery.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

BHRT relies on bioidentical hormones that mimic the hormones naturally produced by the human body.

These hormones are derived from natural sources, like yams and other plants. BHRT, particularly in the form of pellet therapy, can balance hormones that start to decrease as we age. The treatment can lead to improved quality of life that counteracts some common signs of aging.

How Can It Help Men?

As men age, they often experience a decrease in testosterone levels. This affects more than just their sex drive. Testosterone plays a critical role in numerous ways, including muscle mass and healthy body weight. When these levels drop, men may find their workouts becoming more challenging, as they lose muscle mass and gain weight more easily.

BHRT using pellet therapy can help address these issues by raising testosterone levels. Benefits of this therapy include increased confidence, promotion of weight loss, increased lean muscle mass, and sexual wellness. It can also alleviate symptoms associated with hormone deficiency. These include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Decreased bone density
  • Headaches
  • Mental fog
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

How Does It Work?

At Rejuvene Plastic Surgery, we’ve found through experience that hormone pellets provide a simple, effective way to balance male hormones. Inserted into the upper buttocks through a tiny incision, this process is virtually painless, thanks to local anesthesia.

Regular follow-up treatments every three months ensure an accurate pellet dosage. In addition, three insertion appointments a year are typically sufficient for maintaining balanced hormone levels. Most patients notice increased energy levels within the first month.

Schedule a Consultation With Rejuvene

If you’re experiencing the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, it’s time to consider Bioidentical Hormone Therapy.

Our hormone experts at Rejuvene Plastic Surgery in Hebron, Kentucky, can help you understand your symptoms, confirm if BHRT is suitable for you, and guide you through the treatment process.

Schedule a consultation online or call us today at (859) 429-3333.

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