What to Expect During and After PRP Hair Regeneration Therapy Sessions

A man with a bald spot on the back of his head standing with his back to the cameraAre you considering platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair regeneration therapy to combat hair loss? If so, you may have questions about what the process involves.

Dr. Deborah Sillins at Rejuvene Plastic Surgery offers this innovative treatment to help patients feel more comfortable and confident in their appearance. This blog breaks down what you can expect during and after your appointment.

During the Session

PRP hair regeneration therapy is a minimally invasive procedure. It harnesses the healing properties of your own blood to stimulate hair growth.

The process starts with a blood draw, similar to what you’d experience during a routine blood test. Once your blood is collected, it’s placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components. These platelets are packed with growth factors that encourage hair follicles to enter the active growth phase.

Next, the PRP is carefully injected into targeted areas where hair thinning or loss occurs. A local anesthetic or numbing cream will be applied beforehand to ensure your comfort. The procedure usually takes about one hour, and most patients report minimal discomfort.

After the Session

Following your PRP session, you may notice some redness, swelling, or tenderness in the areas treated. These effects are normal and should subside within a day or two.

It’s important to follow Dr. Sillins’s aftercare instructions. These may include avoiding washing your hair or using harsh hair products for the first 24-48 hours. Protecting your scalp from sun exposure is also crucial at this time.

Results from PRP hair regeneration therapy are not immediate, as hair growth occurs gradually. However, most patients begin to see improvement within a few months, with continued progress over the following year.

Depending on your specific needs, a series of sessions may be recommended for optimal results.

Schedule Your Consultation in Hebron, KY

At Rejuvene Plastic Surgery in Hebron, KY, we specialize in PRP hair regeneration therapy and are committed to helping you achieve natural, fuller hair.

If you’re ready to explore this innovative treatment, we’re here for you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sillins by calling (859) 429-3333. You can also contact us through our online form.